
Celerant Transforms ‪Simmons Sporting Goods‬ with Enterprise Retail Point of Sale

Hunter Simmons, Simmons Sporting Goods

Simmons Sporting Goods, we’re family-owned business, which you don’t see a lot of anymore.

My dad started Simmons Sporting Goods 41 years ago and we’ve just grown. We’re one of the larger independent retailers in the nation.

Outdoor Hunting Retail for All Customers

We’re over 80,000 sq. ft. of retail space now and just kind of really got our online business really thriving in the last couple years.

We carry everything from archery, firearms and fishing. We even have a ladies outdoor apparel boutique.

We have all walks of life come in: a lot of firearms, a lot of hunters. But you know, our core is the hunting business.

Point of Sale Software Designed for the Firearm and Hunting Industry

Our previous system, we’ve been running since 2002. We were well overdue.

We were trying to make it work piece by piece and part by part. It came to a point where we had outgrown it.

So we were looking for something that had a bigger back-end that we could actually grow into. Celerant one was the only one that had the full package.

Point of Sale Integrations for Firearm Ease of Use and Sales

We were looking for something with a very good integration with the firearms.

It’s hard to find anything with the point of sale system that’s actually firearm-friendly and you still have the back-end that’s strong enough that you can run them and a thriving eCommerce business on it.

One of the best parts of using Celerant is we’re able to get all the data that we need with our growing online business.

Seamless Accounting Software Integrations for Popular Programs

We were having a hard time separating those transactions. One of the biggest parts is the Celerant integration to QuickBooks and all those benefits there.

We were having a hard time with accounting, getting our numbers correct, and that’s one of the things the Celerant does the best is get all of our numbers for our accounting team.

It makes sure we can separate out the revenue streams and that’s been a big help.

The eCommerce has been a big deal for us to grow cause we had kind of gotten stagnant at that point. Luckily, we hit it right before Covid, so we had that big growth spurt and we had outrun our system so fast.

Celerant helped us pull everything together to make one big picture.

Stick with the Switch Process, No Matter How Hard

Moving to anything new when you’ve been on it for 20-plus years, it’s hard.

I mean, all my people were throwing up their hands and you know, stop signs. They didn’t want to change.

I will tell you that anybody that’s doing that, the good outweighs the bad, and there’s a little bit of learning curve there.

But you’ll find that it gets so much faster, just being able to get all the information that you need as quickly as you can and realizing what these new systems do versus the old.

It’s a different ball game.

Learn More

Learn how Celerant’s point of sale system is designed to grow with your system and how our dedicated teams make it easy.